

Green Juice of Yonaguni Chomeiso

  • Green Juice of Yonaguni Chomeisoのイメージ

The Yonaguni chomei gusa (Japanese name:Botanbofu, scientific name: Peucedanum japonicum) is known as a wild herb that naturally grows in the rocky shores of Yonaguni island , t h e westernmost island of Japan. This product “Green Juice of Yonaguni Chomeiso” is 100% Yonaguni Chomeiso powder and Caffeine free and having some of nutrients for good health. Please use it to keep daily health.

Material Botanbofu(Peucedanum japonicum) Powder(Made in Okinawa)
Amount 155g
Expiration date 2 years

Message from adviser

Botanbofu that TV show have featured as healthy ingredient is well known in Japan. Especially, Botanbofu used by Kane hide is highly trusted, because it have been done the analyzation about safety & quality, and produced organic farming.

Kanehide Bio Co., Ltd who using local Okinawan ingredients and through the application of fermentation and bio technology place a special emphasis on safety and effectiveness of our products and are intent on working with local research institutes and industry-government-academia groups to build evidence to support our products. Their factory is ISO22000 accredited and the manufacturing process is strictly managed.